5 Losing Strategies Couples Engage in Over and Over that will NEVER work. Can you relate?

5 Losing Strategies Couples Engage in Over and Over that will NEVER work. Can you relate?

Relational Life Therapy (RLT) is a therapeutic approach developed by Terry Real, focused on healing and improving relationships. While therapy strategies can vary depending on the therapist's approach and the specific needs of the individuals involved, here are five potential losing strategies to avoid in Relational Life Therapy:

  1. Needing to be Right: Engaging in a pattern of blaming and criticizing one's partner can create a hostile and defensive atmosphere, making it difficult to foster open communication and connection. Making your perspective and reality about the situation the right one. Back and forth arguing, never able to see the other person's view. 

  2. Controlling your Partner: Responding to criticism or conflict with defensiveness can escalate tensions and hinder progress. It's important to approach conflicts with openness, empathy, and a willingness to take responsibility for one's actions. Believing it's ok to tell your partner how they should think, act, feel. Everyone has a right to their own perspective, opinion. No one wants to be told what to do, think, feel, how to dress,, or act  etc, etc. 

  3. Withdrawing, Withholding and Stonewalling: Withholding emotions, shutting down, or refusing to engage in discussions can lead to emotional disconnection and unresolved issues. It's essential to foster an environment where both partners feel safe expressing themselves and actively participating in conversations.

  4. Unbridled Self Expression: Failing to establish and maintain healthy boundaries can result in emotional enmeshment, codependency, and a loss of individuality within the relationship. Encouraging personal growth and respecting each other's autonomy is crucial. Taking your strong negative emotions out on your partner and blaming them for how you feel. 

  5. Retaliation: You punish your partner for ways you think they have hurt you by doing something to hurt them back. Could be words, or behaviors, or both. Avoiding vulnerability can prevent deep emotional connection and hinder intimacy. It's important to create a safe space where both partners feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears, and desires.

Remember that therapy is a dynamic process, and these strategies might not apply universally to every situation. Working with a qualified therapist can provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your specific circumstances.

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